• "I appreciate Mike for making this CCW class available to our area! The curriculum was thorough and well-presented."

    Submitted on Sun, Dec. 15, 2024 by Christine H.

  • "Being a prior infantryman in the Marine Corps, I felt as if there wasn't much new that I would learn from a simple CCW course. Boy, was I wrong! Mike Pike was an excellent instructor and really broke it down "Barney style" in a way that made sense to me and most importantly, I have retained. Definitely a class worth taking, full of knowledge that I wouldn't have taken to be in a CCW course. Would recommend to others for sure!"

  • "My wife and I have taken a couple of classes with Mike so far and this won’t be our last. Mike is a great teacher."

    Submitted on Sat, Dec. 14, 2024 by Daniel H.

  • "I really appreciate how Mike took his time with my instruction and didn’t rush me. He let me learn at my own pace and his critique was always right on point. I learned so much and I’m excited to continue my education. I will definitely take classes with this instructor again. Thanks, Mike."

    Submitted on Sat, Oct. 26, 2024 by Daniel H.

  • "I very much enjoyed the course. It solidified my base understanding of pistols and proper use of them. I have to say it was a very enjoyable experience and did wonders for my personal confidence utilizing a pistol properly. Awesome course!"

    Submitted on Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 by Edgar R.

  • "Mike recognized my week areas and helped me. I still need to practice as it’s pretty new for me. Thank you Mike"

    Submitted on Sat, Oct. 26, 2024 by Cindy E.